"Invulnerable Fragility" is an oxymoron, I know. When I tried to name this blog I went through several names. The first was "Get a Clue; Have a Heart" and I debated about making it a Facebook page rather than a blog and involving my husband. As I thought it about, though, it didn't quite feel right. So I went back to the drawing board and asked myself a series of questions. Why am I doing this? What is the reason that I want to blog in the first place? Who is my audience? Answering these questions helped me to find a more defined path. Several months ago, maybe even last year, my supervisor at work asked me and a co-worker to watch Brene Brown's Ted Talk on Vulnerability . He said it had changed his life and felt we would benefit and he wanted us to discuss. I started watching it casually from the link in the text he sent me and very quickly realized it was deeper than I thought it would be. I needed to watch it more intently a...
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