Today I want to highlight some disparities, horrific treatment, current statistics, and some current issues in the field of medicine regarding race. Historically, Blacks were viewed very differently than other races. To explain and maintain White Supremacy, Blacks were thought to have thicker skin, were less likely to feel pain or heat, had smaller skulls (meaning they were less intelligent), larger sex organs (explaining their perceived promiscuity), and had weak lungs and were susceptible or some diseases. Medical experiments were done to slaves to "prove" these theories. John Brown was burned to see how long he could withstand it. According to Linda Villarosa ( contributor to the 1619 project )" These fallacies, presented as fact and legitimized in medical journals, bolstered society’s view that enslaved people were fit for little outside forced labor and provided support for racist ideology and discriminatory public policies." These ideas w...
Although I should have done it on the 1st b/c that was their 61st anniversary, today I honor these 4 students from NC A&T (My husband's alma mater). They helped spark sit-ins to change the policy of segregation of public spaces. It quickly caught on and there were sit-ins across the country.